Hi there! I’m Samantha,

and this space encompasses my personal milestones made beautiful in His time. Combining my flair for easy-to-read writing and my love for photography, here you'll find me sharing the thing I'm most passionate about - travel, food, fashion and my conversations with God.

*P.S when God was blessing others with the gift of height, He left me out realizing that great things come in tiny packages, so instead I am gifted with endless energy and a big wide smile to get through difficult times.

Forever & always, a child of God. Through this cozy little virtual haven, I hope each post inspires at least someone out there with my life stories.

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L'Oreal Youth Code Boosting Essence

L’Oreal Paris offers a wide range of skincare solutions for your beauty needs. Each of our skincare products are developed and rigorously tested with leading scientists. Indulge yourself in a luxurious and sensorial skincare experience when you use their products which are known to be cutting-edge innovations, proven by Science.

As girls, we love feeling beautiful and thus, we like trying new beauty products hoping the latter would work better and also, finding out exactly which product suits us perfectly. At least, for me, I am guilty of that! Well, you can't blame me, there are so many advertisements out there showcasing how their new product is better more powerful and makes you prettier... I just had to check them out to see if it's good!

I bet you didn't know but t
here is an urban myth that skincare products stop working after a while; hence it’s necessary to keep switching products. As a result, many of us girls own multiple bottles and tubs of half-used serums and moisturizers on our Dressing Table aka Vanity Desk *hands up if you're guilty of that* and these products eventually end up being thrown away!
The question is... Have you ever stop your makeup regime and start thinking about skin absorption and its impact on the effectiveness of skincare products?

With the launch of a new product in the beautysphere, I've got something exciting to share with y'all!
Youth Code bottle
L'Oreal Youth Code Boosting Essence is a lightweight, quick penetrating pre-serum that prepares your skin for subsequent skincare products, hence boosting the effectiveness of these products. Just by using the essence; it can help to boost our skin’s absorption power, hence amplifying the performance of all our skincare products.
One drop of Youth Code Boosting Essence is all you'd need to maximize your healthy skincare regime!
Well, let me share with you it's unique selling point:
L'Oreal Youth Code Boosting Essence is a pre-serum that boosts your skin’s absorption power, ensuring that your skin takes in the active ingredients in your subsequent skincare. This way, you can double the effectiveness of your skincare products without tossing out a thing. When used alone, this product makes your skin smoother and softer from the very first drop. In a week, your skin texture improves and in a month, your skin looks more youthful and rejuvenated and you see more visible results from your skincare.
Simply put it, you don't have to keep trying new beauty products because with L'Oreal Youth Code Boosting Essence, it aids in better absorption for your skin. The great thing is you can use it with any skincare product so you don’t have to toss out your current skincare product!
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The Secret Ingredients  what goes into it?
Pro-Gen™ Technology refers to the ingredient, Bifida Ferment Lysate, which accelerates the expression of recovery genes to help boost skin’s recovery power. It increases the expression of recovery genes* involved in cellular renewal, thus speeding up the action of sluggish recovery gene in aging skin. (*In-vitro test)

Adenosine, long known to be a constitutive component of DNA, slows the effects of aging in skin.

HEPES (Hydroxy Ethyl Piperazine Ethane Sulfonic acid) gently exfoliates skin with its pro-exfoliating action.
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Step by Step Instructions
As a pre-serum, the recommended skincare regime would be:
1. Cleanse
2. Tone
3. Boost (with Youth Code Boosting Essence)
4. Treat (Serum, Essence, Spot Treatment or even Eye products)
5. Moisturize
6. UV Protection
Boost Your Skin’s Recovery Capability
To optimise the efficacy of skincare, Youth Code Boosting Essence should be incorporated into a skincare regime after cleansing, and before treating or moisturising. This sequence ensures that skin is ‘prepped’ for the absorption of the active ingredients in the moisturiser or treatment lotion, serum or cream.
350 Rui En youth code 2
Mediacorp Celebrity Rui En is the new spokesperson for L'Oreal Paris Youth Code franchise!
I'm sure this product may seem familiar to some of y'all. At least for myself, I've seen this advertisement on the television as well as at busstops!


Nuffnang and L’Oreal organized a contest and challenged us, girls, to submit photos of all the skincare products we own on our vanity table and the estimated $ amount we have spent on their products, with a call for help with the hash-tag #savemywallet

This was a teaser phase leading up to the reveal of L’Oreal Youth Code boosting essence, where the organisers will select 10 winning photos they think need a rescue from the beauty clutter! The reward each of these 10 girls with a L’Oreal Youth Code boosting essence + a product hamper worth S$300. If you have taken part, Click here to check you have won the #savemywallet contest!


Retail Price: $39.90
(20% off in June 2013)
Available at: Watsons, Guardian, SASA, major super/hypermarkets, selected department stores

For more information, click here! OR 'LIKE' L'OrealParisSingapore Facebook Page

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