This is for you, #RIPissac
I can't remember exactly when and how this boss and pa thing came about but I really miss calling you AYE BOSS! Hope you are doing well up there, you've safe in God's hands, don't worry.
YOU are the first personal friend of mine who's now gone. I have never experienced this before. Why oh why! Tonight, at your wake, I told ourselves to be strong and not cry because I'm sure you wouldn't want to see us like that. You would always be your goofy self and laugh at/with us if we cried. But as I walked towards your wake with the other girls, I felt scared. And, when I saw your picture, I can't help but to tear. Not as badly as the others, but I still teared. I don't know what to do, all I could do was to leave you and your family members with a little prayer, sincerly from deep down my heart.
I remember how we met... It started at BSC Subcomm Camp AY09/10. Proud to be in CORTOIS, We were Year 1s back then. we were young, we were free. CORTOIS is still an empire close to my heart up till today. And, without CORTOIS, there's no us. We attended chalets together and speaking of chalets, I was in 2 out of 4 FO empires with you and really you were such a blessing to us in terms of entertainment and food. I remember how chalets were made extraordinary because you were the chef and you cooked seafood for us. I mean, which other chalets got so good life right!
We ran for Business maincomms in Year 2, survived through the year, all the ups and downs. You helped to tank things for the committee when some of us were giving up. Our passion was dead or dying but yours was never ever. You inspired and interacted with subcomms like they were your family members, you made sure things were going well in the comm. I have seen how much you have grown through the year. From a hot-tempered guy to someone who toned down a lot and became a better person. Yes, you scolded us, but you made us realize and relight our passion for Business school, the reason why we ran for office elections. I would say that out of these 3years in poly, no doubt my best memories with you would be the times spent in this comm, #BSCay10/11. All the trash talks we had to make us a stronger comm, a better person... Going through Week 0 together and knowing how much we wanted to win 7th time so badly ; Promising every single one in the comm that we would do our best to win that championship and do BSC proud! We cried like babies, but We did it! You did it!
memories of a lifetime
Thanks for everything you have done for me and with me. Thanks for the awesome times we had together and the memories shared. Thanks for being such a big brother and a loyal friend. I remember the first time I went clubbing, you saw me and told me 'Aye tell me if anyone bully you k, take care of yourself inside'. You knew I wasn't the clubber sort.
Look, now 3years passed and we have graduated from poly. I remember the last time we met, it was at Butter Factory - you gave us VIP. Can I still get this privilege from you personally? And, the my last photo with you was at my graduation ceremony. Thankgod I managed to snap a picture with you then! Little did I know that would be the last time seeing you. Feels too long ago.

Rest assured bro, if there's anything you have done right in your 19years of life, you have inspired so many people around you and have played a significant role contributing all you had in Temasek Poly. A highly respected maincomm and orientation GL, we salute you! Check out twitter, you are trending Top 2 bro. Shows how much love you have from your fellow peers, even people who don't know you personally. Tonight at your wake, I see so many familiar faces gathered for a reason, and the reason is you. We have gather, just for you. I have seen so many TP Mass gathering, but tonight's the first that everyone's feeling so solemn. Not used to it, TP people are always hyper, hell load of noisy and super enthu!
And, honestly, you have been sacrificed as a deterrence for others to stop drinking and clubbing. Guys, please take this as a lesson. Don't let him die for nothing. Take life seriously, please!
Yesterday's church service was titled PAINKILLERS. Couldn't be more appropriate for an occasion as such. Your news came too fast, all of us didn't know how to react and honestly, I'm too shocked to grieve. What's the right reaction to something like this?
To Issac's family&friends, be strong stay strong!
I know it's hard but... life goes on. This is life, and we have to eventually deal with the passing of friends.
From this incident, I learnt how unpredictable life is. Treasure people and things around you, don't take anything for granted. Meet up with friends regularly, you don't know who's next. Be a blessing to people around me & I wanna proclaim my love for my family & friends, in case I go next *touch wood*.
Most importantly,
Love God, Love People ❤
Till we meet again, my friend!
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