Hi there! I’m Samantha,

and this space encompasses my personal milestones made beautiful in His time. Combining my flair for easy-to-read writing and my love for photography, here you'll find me sharing the thing I'm most passionate about - travel, food, fashion and my conversations with God.

*P.S when God was blessing others with the gift of height, He left me out realizing that great things come in tiny packages, so instead I am gifted with endless energy and a big wide smile to get through difficult times.

Forever & always, a child of God. Through this cozy little virtual haven, I hope each post inspires at least someone out there with my life stories.

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+HIS Generation Uni Camp 2012

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

Just attended my 1st UNI Ministry church camp. At ulu NTU

But thankgod for the chance of staying in the halls of NTU Campus because if it wasn't for this camp, I doubt I would ever do so. I even toured NIE campus itself! And, guess what! The hall rooms turned out nicer than expected, rly got standard. Much better than the typical old NUS ones (putting Utown aside, of coz)

fav food at its canteen - Super yummy & most affordable!

Physically & Mentally, I spent the last few days with the new SMU ministry and my own transfers LG.
Spiritually, God has opened my senses and made me see things from a diff perspective. Am hoping to become a better child of God. I'm not perfect, but striving towards perfection.

Matthew 5:43-44 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Like the quote above, it's an evident of there're so many thousand things I still need to improve on but firstly, it's my personal relationship with God himself. "Love God, Love People" God loved a sinner like me, he accepted me for who I am. At the back of my mind, there's perceptually this pondering question which motivates me... "Of all people, why did he choose me, why did he choose to die for me?" Makes me think a lot, lots of self-reflections and lots of meaning to it.

praise & worships
SENT! Challenge
*do something to BLESS the community*
My lifegroup decided to head to JurongEast * JCUBE! So many things we could do but we just couldn't decided what exactly to do. Eventually, we bought icecreams to bless the foreign workers. Kids, Elderlys... But foreign workers? WOW FIRST TIME & it's something I never dreamt I would ever do even though my heart goes out to them for slogging their hearts out working under the sun :(

Jamming sessions at night, nah! I can't play the guitar actually...ಠ◡ಠ
Living the hall life - SUPPER Culture  ó‿ó
my everyday mornings
CHERYL BFF! Since Primary 5
We share a special friendship, something only both of us can understand. Now covenanted in God. Thankgod for YOU! Thanks for always being there for me and I hope I can do the same for you 24/7 too. So glad that we're serving in the same church and uni ministry now!
JUNE! New friend from SMU Ministry ^^

WENMIN! Roomie & my new dearly girl LG Mate!


Everything is possible, only through Christ alone

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