Hi there! I’m Samantha,

and this space encompasses my personal milestones made beautiful in His time. Combining my flair for easy-to-read writing and my love for photography, here you'll find me sharing the thing I'm most passionate about - travel, food, fashion and my conversations with God.

*P.S when God was blessing others with the gift of height, He left me out realizing that great things come in tiny packages, so instead I am gifted with endless energy and a big wide smile to get through difficult times.

Forever & always, a child of God. Through this cozy little virtual haven, I hope each post inspires at least someone out there with my life stories.

Are you planning your next event?

There’s always something for everyone at Temptations Cakes, let us celebrate your next special event (be it a birthday party, baby's first month, wedding, christmas, you name it!) and create lovely memories with you.

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The Key to a Happy Relationship / Marriage

In light of the 'Family Series' that my church is working on, here's something to share

There are many things to take note of and it always take two hands to clap, to form a healthy relationship which eventually should lead to marriage.

One takeaway is the Key to a happy successful relationship.
And the answer lies in, settling all your arguments or displeasures (if any) or differences before the day ends.

You might be feeling really upset about a certain thing, but your partner doesn't know because he/she can't read your mind, and you cannot expect them to do so as well. Therefore, communication is really important.

Don't bottle everything up yourself.

It'll eventually overflow, and you'll be even more unhappy about life as time pass and these unhappiness accumulates.


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