Hi there! I’m Samantha,

and this space encompasses my personal milestones made beautiful in His time. Combining my flair for easy-to-read writing and my love for photography, here you'll find me sharing the thing I'm most passionate about - travel, food, fashion and my conversations with God.

*P.S when God was blessing others with the gift of height, He left me out realizing that great things come in tiny packages, so instead I am gifted with endless energy and a big wide smile to get through difficult times.

Forever & always, a child of God. Through this cozy little virtual haven, I hope each post inspires at least someone out there with my life stories.

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COVO, for the third time


Spent last Friday morning at COVO to experiment with new lashes for the month☺
Always glad to be back here even if it means having to be there early in the morning taking up the first slot of the day! It was quite tough making appointments, also partly due to CNY, but at the same time I'm happy for them because that means more business! *note to self* please call and make an appointment early the next time round! Very thankful that they managed to slot me in for this morning slot, woohooo! And, girls out there, you totally deserve the good treatment at COVO, so I'm happy for the girls as well! (:
As usual, all I had to do was to lie down (back) in bed and get some more sleep while Jeane works her magic on my eyelashes. Enjoying this simple feeling of bliss of having to do nothing and waking up feeling pretty instantly. Thank God! What did I do to deserve this! *smiles*
Well, this time round, I did my usual extension combination.
I promised myself that the next time, I'm gonna try the longer length lashes and I'll see how it goes!
It's always nice to experiment different looks ^^
After my personal recommendation, I know some of my friends have been to try COVO, like my beloved Twinny. Heh, good things must share right! I'm so glad that she likes the eyelash treatment at COVO too and she will be back. Not only her, but she's bringing her other like-minded friends as well. 

♡ ♡ 

If you haven't read my previous post on my first and second experience with COVO (Jeane, the eyelash specialist in particular), please click here!

Have a blessed weekend!

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