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I began blogging at the age of 11. I was then, Primary 5. My first blogskin was designed by my bff back then because I envied her pretty blog with music so she did one for me too. It was the childish blogs, one of those on, but I was contented. I forgot what the url was but if I tell you my email then was, you probably can guess what kind of url name mine was back then. haha. Then in Secondary school, I guess I grew up and the blogsphere was revolving. I revamped my blog, named it passionstarrs.blogspot (I got evidence from the pic below, y'all can scroll down to see!), how cheesy just cause I like stars back then. I blogged about my school life and it gets boring sometimes. There were no such things as events, advertorials etc back then. Oh yes, and my era... there was a period when I typed w teenage lingo like 'wad, kayys, okiez', looking back at those posts, I disgust myself. Well, don't judge my language, I'm just being very very very honest... ^^
I love blogging although it's time consuming... I just like the idea of using my blog as an avenue to share my life and to feel special. I secretly like the idea of letting people know me because I love being me although it's gets tough being me sometimes. "To give is more blessed than to receive", and I want to give others an avenue to use my life as a motivation for readers to love themselves more.
Blogging only got a little more serious when I completed O Levels and was finding things to do before starting Poly. It was a long break and I discovered more about the amazing blogsphere. Just some events here and there, met up with some friends who introduced me into the acting/modelling scene, networked etc. Somehow, was born and became officially active on blogsphere. I can't remember the exact date or year. But throughout my Poly life, blogging was part of me. I was very involved in school, thus, blogging was just a sideline hobby. I was just contented that I get invited to firsthand, media launches, performances, food tasting sessions, make someone happy by bringing them to movielaunches cause it comes in a pair and more importantly, meet new like-minded friends... friends who don't mind waiting for the food to get cold, just cause we as bloggers want to get the bestest angles of the dishes before consuming it. Something that non-bloggers will never understand.
Blogging only got a little more serious when I completed O Levels and was finding things to do before starting Poly. It was a long break and I discovered more about the amazing blogsphere. Just some events here and there, met up with some friends who introduced me into the acting/modelling scene, networked etc. Somehow, was born and became officially active on blogsphere. I can't remember the exact date or year. But throughout my Poly life, blogging was part of me. I was very involved in school, thus, blogging was just a sideline hobby. I was just contented that I get invited to firsthand, media launches, performances, food tasting sessions, make someone happy by bringing them to movielaunches cause it comes in a pair and more importantly, meet new like-minded friends... friends who don't mind waiting for the food to get cold, just cause we as bloggers want to get the bestest angles of the dishes before consuming it. Something that non-bloggers will never understand.
About more than a year ago, I converted to
because it looks more professional and to me, branding's important. So, this new url officially became my virtual life when I dream, create stories, share experiences and basically, record my life stages. Yes,
this .com is an independent blog, I currently am not a contracted blogger, so free feel to contact me directly for any advertorials or if you feel
generous or nice and want to be my sponsor! *Oh, Santa! I promise, I've been a
really really good girl this year!*
SO ANYWAYS, the purpose of this
post is to mark the START OF SOMETHING NEW!
I'm sure you guys have noticed my new blogskin! How do you like it? Does it shout me? I hope it does! That's the whole idea! Floral theme, flowers for the iconic flower princess aka me!
SO AS YOU CAN TELL, I've been wanting to revamp this page of mine for the longest time ever like what, more than a year back? The idea was to change the blogskin design in conjunction with the .com shift. But, things didn't go as planned so I launched the .com first. I'm sooooo glad this time round, everything's finally done! Getting a good blog design is very important, it's creating the first impressions! Impressions count, don't they? Plus, in this day and age, you've got to differentiate yourself from the others. But more importantly, nice things make me happy and when I'm happy, I'm more motivated to blog. Aesthetics' like second nature to me, so sometimes, when I enter a new blog and if the design doesn't catch my attention, I'll just rightclick close #justbeingprettyhonesthere
I'm sure you guys have noticed my new blogskin! How do you like it? Does it shout me? I hope it does! That's the whole idea! Floral theme, flowers for the iconic flower princess aka me!
Check out my previous self-done blog skins :/ Okay, at least give me some effort marks considering I'm a IT noob... *Claps*
SO AS YOU CAN TELL, I've been wanting to revamp this page of mine for the longest time ever like what, more than a year back? The idea was to change the blogskin design in conjunction with the .com shift. But, things didn't go as planned so I launched the .com first. I'm sooooo glad this time round, everything's finally done! Getting a good blog design is very important, it's creating the first impressions! Impressions count, don't they? Plus, in this day and age, you've got to differentiate yourself from the others. But more importantly, nice things make me happy and when I'm happy, I'm more motivated to blog. Aesthetics' like second nature to me, so sometimes, when I enter a new blog and if the design doesn't catch my attention, I'll just rightclick close #justbeingprettyhonesthere
For this NEW blogskin, first of all, I need to credit Carol (CJS) for her hard work in designing and doing everything up. It took afew months but yay it's very pretty now! She's really cool, we only communicate via email (at wee hours) yet we managed to get things done. And, anything that I didn't like, I'll just let her know then she'll miraculously manage to change it for me and she made great suggestions too! Next, conceptualising the Theme. I wanted a something that represents me, after all, this is my blogspace! Me being me, I did consider the Bling Blingx Pinkish Princessy theme but in the end, I decided to go for a more unique Vintage Floral Theme (of course I still tried to include some sparkly little things) mainly because I love flowers. Besides the fact that they'r so pretty, they really represent me. I'm sure my friends recognise me by the flower to the extent that if I go w/o the flower for a day, the first thing they would say is not 'Hi Sam' but rather 'Eh Sam, where's your flower? Never wear today?' SO YEAH, YOU GET THE POINT. Laugh all you want, hahaha!
Gee, anyways, just so y'all know and didn't realise, I've got 4 rotating images on the banner head. Refresh the page each time and you'll see a different me!
Next, I had to decide on the Content. Again, me
being me, I'm a planner by nature. I generally have rough
ideas, sadly, don't have the skills. So anyways, if you look above, there are
the various tabs represented by different cute little icons. Do click on them
individually to take a peek into my life! It's not fully updated but I guess it's still quite comprehensive. I'm sure
you'll find a thing or two on something you didn't know about me. On the
sidebar, I added things like advertisement space and sponsors. I guess by doing so, I can take the blog to a higher level and
lets get things going! But don't worry, I'll only advertise for things I
believe in (if not, wouldn't it be contradictory?) or if I'm helping a friend's new business. And, I definitely won't turn my PERSONAL blog
into an advertorial-filled blog which is simply booorrringgg. Speaking of so,
I'm definitely not your typical blogger who blogs for pure fame and fortune.
I'm not into branded goods, I don't put on makeup (except for my current
eyelash extensions) even for my advertorials, I don't use photoshop (because
I don't know how to), I'm not controversial, not bitchy, don't use
vulgarities and I don't do vlogs (something which I'm considering
venturing into since my designer left a video space for me. So contact me if
you can help me with Videography, we'll work things out). I only use my
iPhone apps to edit pictures, if that counts ^^
I really like my new blogskin design, I hope y'all do so too! heh, it makes me more motivated to blog, now that I have something proud to show the
world. It's tempting to click to my own site every time I open my Macair, but
#okcan, I'll soon get bored of it I think. I know I've been on a hiatus for a
really long time, but I promise to be more diligent in keeping this blog alive,
alrights? So hello world, please lend me your support and we'll create more milestones and memories
HELLO JUNE! Please be good to me, won't you? (:
Anyways, I'm Canada for Summer School at UBC for the next 1 month!
HELLO JUNE! Please be good to me, won't you? (:
Anyways, I'm Canada for Summer School at UBC for the next 1 month!
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