JUNE with love

Touched up on my hair's blackroots. Really love the current blondish colour!
The night before I fly off for 2weeks...

Snowwhite & Huntsman Movie cum Dinner. This boy insisted on paying for everything as usual, just this time in name of me leaving for states, because he knows that I will always refuse. But Thanks for the treat and all, with or without I appreciate it.
Left for the States the next night. And once I'm back in SG, it's back to reality. At least, it's not as bad as prev when I had school. So now even reality in SG is still happy reality. Enjoying life still, because noone would hire me for less than a month. The pay you get in jobs are really tempting but I don't have the luxury of time :( Was thinking of working when school starts, but I'll have to weigh the workload and my other commitments so I'll seehow!
First dinner back in Singapore, impromptu meetup with the darling. Was really random because we were just texting and decided on meeting within 3smses. Woah, how free and easy we are!

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