Celebrations of the Red Nation's 46th Birthday
How did you spent NDP this year?
Last year, I remember spending it w Novir and the next day, I'm in Bangkok already!
This year, I simply did the NDP celebrations in School (TP) & that's about it. I can't believe I even missed NDP on TV screen. AHHH. Gee, I was too sick. Busy sleeping. Basically, I spent my NDP holidays not celebrating but sleeping!
Last year, I remember spending it w Novir and the next day, I'm in Bangkok already!
This year, I simply did the NDP celebrations in School (TP) & that's about it. I can't believe I even missed NDP on TV screen. AHHH. Gee, I was too sick. Busy sleeping. Basically, I spent my NDP holidays not celebrating but sleeping!
I really miss Pri & Sec school NDP Celebrations! Ohwells, grow up!
Show some SKELTO love!
Yours Truly, P & VP in flowers!
& yes, the 'wrapped' me up literally in balloons. OMGZ cozy is cozy but tough to remove it. haha!
Chionggg-ed back to commhub w Fiona, for CEM. Can't even enjoy myself properly. I seriously have no life, not until this event is officially over! hmpf! -.-
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