How much is pride worth?
Can you treat it as food for your empty, growling stomach? Can you treat it as though it's worth a million bucks? Is it worth your life? Is it worth catching after? Ending up like a dog chasing its own tail.
To some, it's easy to give up that little pride. To some, it's the hardest thing to do.
Maybe you have heard "Wow, that was awesome. If it was me, I don't think that I would ever be able to do anything like you did."
So it boils down to... How much is pride worth?
Is pride worth that moment of action? You then start questioning yourself, 'Was pride the reason why I couldn't achieve something? Maybe if I had given up a little pride, I would have reached my goal.' Stop regretting & Start living. Embrace the NOW.
So it boils down to... How much is pride worth?
Is pride worth that moment of action? You then start questioning yourself, 'Was pride the reason why I couldn't achieve something? Maybe if I had given up a little pride, I would have reached my goal.' Stop regretting & Start living. Embrace the NOW.
I never understand why guys have an e-g-o, they say.
Like, they rather be driving around in circles when they are lost, than to probably get to their destination in a few minutes by simply asking for directions, 'Excuse me, how can I get to this place?'
Thank God I know guys who aren't like that.
I'm glad they aren't. Seriously.
Food for thought. Think.
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