羊 // Lunar New Year 2015

After all the feasting, celebrations, gambling, games, partying and louheis, I've finally decided to seat myself down on the final day 15 of CNY (which is also the day my Dad decides to host an extended family dinner at our place tonight), to write up blog entry to serve as a closure for the festive season of love, joy, faith, hope, happiness and lots of food...

This is one of the most fun and fulfilling (or rather, I would say... different) CNY ever!
To start off, finally from this year onwards, I don't have to worry about studies and school term examinations over the lunar new year. Because for the past few years, it has always been CNY holidays followed by stupid examinations or project submissions the week after. I can't even enjoy myself properly. Okay not like I really care about school, but you know the thought of having deadlines at the back of your mind VS not having to bother at all. Yes, that's what I'm driving at!

Plus, this year I'm having a super long holiday, waiting to fly off for exchange. When others have to get back to work on a Monday, well, I don't have to!
So I'm a very happy girl this year!
Even if I'm stoning at visitings, I'm happily staring into blank empty spaces.
I must say that the weekends passed by quickly and one of the best part was having to spend time with my family, relatives, friends, and for the first time also, I am spending it with my boyfriend and his extended family. When I say extended family, I really mean it.
Normally CNY for me ends on Day 1 after the routine affairs of visiting my maternal and paternal side of the family. But for his family, the next few days of CNY would be all the uncles/aunties taking turns to host at their houses, even though technically we are seeing the same faces every day. I found that quite interesting... and yet, at the same time, I enjoyed myself playing with the kids and watching cny-specials movies as a big family. So here's the rest of how the other days went...

I'm quite an enthusiast when it comes to visiting. I don't like staying at places for too long of a time, I like moving from houses to houses. Keeping things fresh rather than cooping myself up at a place... hahaha, my own logic. But nope, we didn't do that. Everyday's programmes were rather decently scheduled and we found ourselves having time to catch a movie and play tennis amongst the busy period.
I enjoyed the catch up sessions with my dear friends too. You know those groups you hold dearly too, well everyone's too busy during the year, but yet no matter what, we make it a (silent note) point that we should/will meet up on special occasions like CNY and Christmas. Oh yes, and I refreshed my memory on how to play mahjong, bridge and many other card games. Those once-in-a-year kinda things you do...
Met up with my CHIJ girls for brunch at Working Title cafe, caught up on each other's life in all aspects includes love, work and much more. The constant teasings and laughters never stop.

Happy to hear that everyone's doing well in our own fields. I'm not worried about them because everyone's so talented in our own ways, I'm just so so happy to see everyone coming together.
As the celebrations lasted for 15 days, the second weekend was spent with my poly classmates clique. Those familiar faces I've known since we were 17. Time flies, but friendship stays. Here's the massive amount of food (I forgot the guys were no longer army boys who eat a lot, hahaha) which thankfully we managed to clear most.

and here's our family portrait, with our +1s, heh it just keeps increasing... for the better!

Can't wait to see how we'll all be like & what we'll be doing 10years down the road. Hopefully, it'll be a pic with our kids in toll, hahaha I don't even dare to think so far, but I surely hope all's good in God's plans.

Happy to hear that everyone's doing well in our own fields. I'm not worried about them because everyone's so talented in our own ways, I'm just so so happy to see everyone coming together.
As the celebrations lasted for 15 days, the second weekend was spent with my poly classmates clique. Those familiar faces I've known since we were 17. Time flies, but friendship stays. Here's the massive amount of food (I forgot the guys were no longer army boys who eat a lot, hahaha) which thankfully we managed to clear most.

and here's our family portrait, with our +1s, heh it just keeps increasing... for the better!

Can't wait to see how we'll all be like & what we'll be doing 10years down the road. Hopefully, it'll be a pic with our kids in toll, hahaha I don't even dare to think so far, but I surely hope all's good in God's plans.
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