Hi there! I’m Samantha,

and this space encompasses my personal milestones made beautiful in His time. Combining my flair for easy-to-read writing and my love for photography, here you'll find me sharing the thing I'm most passionate about - travel, food, fashion and my conversations with God.

*P.S when God was blessing others with the gift of height, He left me out realizing that great things come in tiny packages, so instead I am gifted with endless energy and a big wide smile to get through difficult times.

Forever & always, a child of God. Through this cozy little virtual haven, I hope each post inspires at least someone out there with my life stories.

Are you planning your next event?

There’s always something for everyone at Temptations Cakes, let us celebrate your next special event (be it a birthday party, baby's first month, wedding, christmas, you name it!) and create lovely memories with you.

Browse our beautiful selection

Because this step of faith, brings me closer to humanity

Got our essentials from Daiso!!!
I love grocery shopping!

For those who have been following my blog or tweets, you'll probably know I'm part of Project Sunshine, a SMU school overseas comm service project (OCSP) initiative to Laos! Gonna be a villager for 2.5weeks, wish us all, all the best! I'm actually quite excited through I feel super duper unprepared! :/ Just gonna take it all with an open heart & mind!

Yeah, time flies... After about 2months or so of preparations (planning & sleepover cum summer bonding sessions amongst the 22 of us + fund raising activities), we'll finally flying off today!

This step of faith and courage is probably one that I'll remember for the rest of my life. It's my 1st full-fledge OCSP trip & I really am stepping out of my comfort zone. Well, that's one of the things I wanted to experience when I enrolled myself in University. Like what I've always said, my aim of coming to a local uni is to experience all the overseas trips possible, because these are things that you can only have the chance to do during your uni days.

As my team & I set out on a journey to the village of Laos, I hope to be the sunshine in the kids' life and hopefully impact them, be a great joy and blessing to them. They say in OCSPs, a lot of times, it's not what you give them but more like what they give to me when I leave - all the memories and things I've learnt from them. Really can't wait to meet the kids!

No internet for the next few weeks till I reach Bangkok! A good getaway from Social Media! What a challenge yet a personal breakthrough for a social media addict like myself! Challenging! But I believe I can survive! May god bless my team and I, that we can be a great blessing and impact to the kids over there!

Can't wait to immerse myself in the innocence of the kids!

Back on Christmas eve, so till then, Toodles! 

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