Have been wanting a MAC since Graduation. But, I still love my chio sonyvaio!
Anyways, it's kinda dumb cause I don't even know how to use a macbook at all, yet I'm getting it :/ I guess it's because it's the only 'right' thing to do, in the sense that why buy back another windows laptop right. Mac's like 'THE' choice! If you get what I mean. Ohwells. I'll learn how to use it, somehow...
Was deciding between the PRO VS AIR just a few days back. Also, where to buy it from. Guess I made my choice. Bought the PRO from school itself because I don't want to face doing manual configuration for 4hours seating helplessly at the IT Helpdesk. Goodness me!
the MAC service, done the MAC way!
(Y) Thankyou Mum for paying for it, it's a good investment for sure!
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