The Drive to Drive!
Heard the recent news of Cab Fare Increase. Being a frequent cabber (I created that word), it
affects me, quite alot actually. I didn't immediately research or check out the revised rates
affects me, quite alot actually. I didn't immediately research or check out the revised rates
because no matter what, I guess I still have to cab. *sighs*
However, I came across the website and happen to see this so I'm just sharing:
Current Flag Down - 1st km
$2.80 (Crown); $3.00 (Sonata)
$3.20 (Camry); $3.20 (Limousine)
1km to 10km: $0.20 for every 385m
Above 10km: $0.20 for every 330m
Waiting time: $0.20 for every 45sec
Revised Flag Down - 1st km
$3.00 (Crown); $3.20 (Sonata)
$3.40 (Camry); $3.90 (Limousine)
1km to 10km: $0.22 for every 400m
Above 10km: $0.22 for every 350m
Waiting time: $0.22 for every 45sec
Current Peak Period Surcharge
35% of metered fare
Mon-Fri: 7.00am-9.30am
Mon-Sat: 5.00pm-8.00pm
Revised Peak Period Surcharge
25% of metered fare
Mon-Fri: 6.00am-9.30am (not applicable on public holidays)
Mon-Sun and Public Holidays: 6.00pm-Midnight
Current City Area Surcharge
Mon-Sat: 5.00pm-Midnight
Revised City Area Surcharge
Mon-Sun and Public Holidays: 5.00pm-Midnight
Current Call Booking Fees
Current Booking
Peak Period: $3.50
Mon-Fri: 7.00am-9.30am, 5.00pm-11.00pm
Current Booking
All other times: $2.50
Advance Booking: $5.20
Revised Call Booking Fees
Current Booking
Peak Period: $3.30
Mon-Fri: 6.00am-9.30am (not applicable on public holidays)
Mon-Sun and Public Holidays: 6.00pm-Midnight
Current Booking
All other times: $2.30
Advance Booking: $8.00
Current Limousine Taxi Booking Fees
Current Booking: $8.00
Advance Booking: $16.00
Revised Limousine Taxi Booking Fees
Current Booking: $10.00
Advance Booking: $18.00
Current Public Holiday Surcharge
From 6.00pm on the eve of a Public Holiday to midnight of the day of the Public Holiday
Revised Public Holiday Surcharge
Technically, if you scruztinise the rates, the peak hour change is lower. YAY. But NAY no the fact that it seems to be peak hour all day along? See! 6pm-Midnight, then Midnight charge still applies right? So isn't it all-day round. HAI.
This means lesser of going out late and having to cab home. Kinda inevitable but ohwells. Share cab or Get license, either way it's good for me!
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