Dear Santa, All I want for X'mas is...
Christmas is more than just the gifts, cards, feasts, turkey, baked ham, logcakes,people, an occasion,
The meaning of Christmas was never the same for me as a Christmas. In the midst of writing the cards and wrapping up gifts, I stopped and ponder, what does Christmas mean to me? I'm reminded of why Christmas was made meaningful...
Christmas is God's love for humankind, for you and me. The Christmas story is really about God's selfless love for every single one of us - The highest love, above all other love; the kind no one else would be able to give, including me. God's love, the love of Christmas makes the first move, and is extended to all, without conditions and without limits, beyond boundaries...
It's the time of the year again when people come together in our favourite season of happiness and cheer. Of course having said all that, X'mas is LOVE because I get to PARTY and most importantly, it's a good reason for people to meet up.
Lets' gooooo!
Lets' gooooo!
(One of our BSC Events)
(One of our BSC Events)
Preparing the decos and food and programme for the event. We didn't have a X'mas tree cause we forgot to take storeroom key from our teacher :/ Thank God we're creative people, so we literally made a x'mas tree out of green & brown (For the stalk,so cute) paper. Made the candycanes and jingle bells out of coloured papers, pen and markers too! To me, they looked better than the real ones okay!

Our doorgifts...

Did registration with the girls, and took some pictures while waiting for the guests to come...

Did registration with the girls, and took some pictures while waiting for the guests to come...
Yes, I prepared the layout of the food.
Also called by me 'Santa's Food Station!' A tad too small, I'm sorry! haha
Food's good through. We can cook! Potluck food, made by yours truly, dearest Maincomms!!!
Wheeee! Supposed to make Rainbow Cake but we didn't have time to do so :/ So sad!
Wheeee! Supposed to make Rainbow Cake but we didn't have time to do so :/ So sad!

It's dinner time!

Special appearances by Santa & Santa-rina. How interesting & cute right!
They played some games with us, as form of entertainment programme...

They sure brought some joy, and being me, I obviously wanted a picture with them! heh! (:
Halfway thru the games, towards the end, they switched off the lights & brought 4 birthday cakes in for US, the December babies! Was supposed to be a surprise, but most of us, okay I think all, happen to go out of the room before that & already saw the cakes ! :/
Nevertheless, YAY THANK YOU ALL FOR THE CAKE & CELEBRATION! It's the thought the counts! LOVE!
The aftermath... cleaning up & debrief + meeting for SL Camp.
This creature is so cute!
We had to take a pic with it. heh
I present to you my maincomms & subcomms, love! (:
Went out to Orchard Area to shop! From ION to WISMA to NEW TOPSHOP BLOCK to FAR EAST to SOMERSET 313 (:
After spending $100 bucks at Cotton On, we headed to Sour Sally for some yogurt! YAY! I really love yogurts!
They have unique flavours besides the original, which includes strawberry, melon mint & greentea! OR you could choose a SWIRL meaning a MIX of up to 2 flavours...
You choose your toppings, I love the variety!
Okay, when the girl initially passed me some samples of their flavour, my reaction was 'OMG SO SOUR!' then I looked up and remember the shop's name - SOUR Sally. Basket! They sure live up to their name!!!
That's what we ordered!
I had the swirl combination of Original & Green Tea, topped w Strawberries!
Shopped around town and ended up at Far East. Did more shopping & decided to do manicure. Went up to my usual place, however, they were busy, so I settled for some random shop (Any one that was available and don't need to wait! LOL why they so busy oneeee! Shorthanded!)
So, I went to this shop on Level 4, yup, & they were quite good. Limited colours but good service, I like ^^ More expensive than what I normally pay for + no cutting of nails/treatment (Normally, for express mani should have) so I think it's not worth it. I'd go back to my normal shop if I'm in Far East, or else... back to the one I usually go to, opposite my school! HEH! (:
Love the colours thro (Considering, there's really limited colours), it's a combi of 2, if you can seeee? hahaha!
Went to eat dinner at Somerset 313's food court, recommended by Hui Xian!
Jap Curry, she said it was the tastiest!
Jap Curry, she said it was the tastiest!
While they were busy eating, I was busying camwhoring, keeps me entertained!
X'mas came a little earlier for us, our all-time clique wishes is to.....
We had potluck style thus, too much food. OMG. 8 girls only + Reginia's family of 4 :) 12 people, how to finish all the food (Look at the total all food last pic) -.-
We decided to come up with a MENU the next outing, then assign who brings what, or else really too much. Which is not good!
So first up, Ya Ting's Tung Hoon Salad Appetizer!
I remember this dish. We made/created it TOGETHER (After so many tries, esp for the lime juice sauce) for our Sec 4 Salad making competition, and it won us 2nd prize, unexpectedly!
I remember this dish. We made/created it TOGETHER (After so many tries, esp for the lime juice sauce) for our Sec 4 Salad making competition, and it won us 2nd prize, unexpectedly!
Yiu Si's Sushi Set!
This was bought but it tasted good too...
This was bought but it tasted good too...

My Potato Salad!
I really loved it, heh!
Reginia's Curry Chicken Baked Rice :>
Damn nice sia, her mum and maid made it, but I swear it's the best baked rice I have ever eaten!
Hui Xian's Spaghetti!
Not a fan of Carbonara and all that sauces, but I tasted some & I thought it was nice...
Not a fan of Carbonara and all that sauces, but I tasted some & I thought it was nice...
& there was toasted ham&cheese / cranberry bread, popiah, mushroom soup, broccoli, etc!
After that, we proceeded to watch TV and walk ard the house cause we ate so much, we really needed to digest our food!
Virina & Me @ the X'mas tree!
When it was close to the clock striking twelve, we switched off the TV and played 'Santa Gift Exchange'!!!
Here's how it goes...
We each have to get a present of any amount.
Here's how it goes...
We each have to get a present of any amount.
Pace all of your presents under the christmas tree.
Each of us have to draw lots & see who's name we got.
Then if you picked out a name, you give the present you prepared, to that person.
I picked Yiu Si, and Virina picked me!
Here's just some pictures:
Then if you picked out a name, you give the present you prepared, to that person.
I picked Yiu Si, and Virina picked me!
Here's just some pictures:
After that, we played team-up monopoly!
Been a long time since... so old school ;D
Been a long time since... so old school ;D
I teamed up with Virina. We were losing initially, because we got thrown into jail the first round, then all of them pass thru first round and can buy houses and everything already :/ and as u know, buying houses all these is very impt in monopoly because that's the objective of the game! haha so we were quite demoralized and all, but we didn't give up. It was until the point we were so desperate and on the verge of giving up like we said 'Aiya, let's just do some charity la, if they no money buy house, we lend them' (cause we got lots of money cause we cannot buy house). then don't know why, we out of jail and slowly we bought MRT stations instead of houses (Cause most of them were already bought up -.-) and we became rich. Wow.
Allies as well... so in the end, Virina & I won! YAY!
HOPE CHURCH SINGAPORE presents to you...
With all the presents for gift-exchange!!! yay!
Headed down to Katong area, the HK Cafe for the X'mas party! (;
Had wonderful buffet style dinner!
It's time for Countdown!!!
Cheers to the X'mas
Let's toast!!! :>
As we go about out busy lives, fulfilling our dreams or trying to live up to the expectations imposed on us, we live in a highly competitive world where people can feel profound loneliness even in a crowd. What a discovery it is, then, to know that God loves us deeply, and that He is with us. And this love that first came through the Divine Child who was born at Christmas continues to come to us in many forms - through our loved ones, the most important people in our lives, and even unexpectedly through kind strangers whom we meet in our earthly journeys.
May the blessings of the first Christmas come afresh to all, filling our hearts with peace and joy, as diving unconditional and eternal love touches our lives. May the celebration on our streets be reflective of the quiet celebration in our souls as we reflect on the love that came down at Christmas.
Bishop Dr Robert Solomon
President, National Council of Churches of Singapore
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