Hi there! I’m Samantha,

and this space encompasses my personal milestones made beautiful in His time. Combining my flair for easy-to-read writing and my love for photography, here you'll find me sharing the thing I'm most passionate about - travel, food, fashion and my conversations with God.

*P.S when God was blessing others with the gift of height, He left me out realizing that great things come in tiny packages, so instead I am gifted with endless energy and a big wide smile to get through difficult times.

Forever & always, a child of God. Through this cozy little virtual haven, I hope each post inspires at least someone out there with my life stories.

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I have never tore so many tickets in my entire life before.
1st time, 1st show. Good experience.
I think I learnt fast, thanks to Regine, Esther & Winnie for teaching me!

Anyways, I was in & out of the show, due to e nature of my job tonight.

Overall, the veteran powerhouse Hong Kong actress-singer, Sammi Cheng, performed an amazing show that left audiences feel worth their time and money for the concert. There were people from Malaysia coming to Singapore just to watch her concert!

She brought forth an almost perfect performance to the full-house crowd at the Singapore Indoor Stadium last night.

Sammi had a total of 9 outfit changes last night, which were BOOMZ. I mean it ranges from big hairdos to shingzshingz costumes like leotards, disco threads, and outrageous skirts.

She's really a powerhouse cause people who were not directly at the concert could even hear her. As people were leaving near to the end, there was an encore, which attracted people who left to come back. She ended off with a last song & last goodbye before leaving the stage for good.


《鄭秀文 Love Mi 2009 演唱會》 DVD

Side A – 61’25” mins
1) Chotto等等
2) 叮叮噹
3) 默契
4) 不來的季節
5) 值得
6) 娃娃看天下
7) 長恨歌
8) Medley: I will Survive + Can't Take My Eyes off You + Designer music + Conga
9) Episode I : The Darkness
10) 罪與罰 24味合唱
11) 上帝早已預備
12) 信者得愛 rap:歐陽靖 MC Jin

Side B – 60’15” mins
1) Episode II : The Enlightenment
2) 回來我身邊
3) 恰似你的溫柔
4) 不要驚動愛情
5) Medley: 獨家試唱 / 星「秀」傳說 / 煞科 / 叮噹
6) 親密關係
7) Last Christmas 陳奐仁合唱
8) Auld Lang Syne (Countdown)
9) Medley: 上一次流淚 / 終身美麗 / 不拖不欠 / 落錯車
10) 唯獨你是不可取替

Side C – 27’53” mins
1) 插曲
2) 哭泣遊戲
3) 終身美麗
4) 給自己的信
5) I will Survive

Bonus Track
The Making of LOVE MI 28 mins

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