This year has treated me really well.
Many great things happened this year.
From Jan's O level results, open houses, to March's POLYDINS, to April's start of school w Zetten, 1Bo5, 3 CCA(s), to Dec's Novir, Christmas & other gatherings & the list goes on...
Everyone's setting resolutions, me too!
I set mine since the age of 7, I think! Both in Sunday school & personally. Yup, it's like a tradition that I carry out at the end of every year & I think it's awesome to do so. The thing is, I don't always follow it thro I sorta have it at the back of my mind!
Perhaps, this year. The top resolution is to FOLLOW THROUGH the resolutions I have set! haha!
In no particular order:
1) To love god; love people MORE
2) Excel in studies & ccas
3) Expand my social network
4) More opportunities for new experiences. To be involved!
5) To have more courage to take on responsibilities/challenges
6) Continue w my talent-pursuing
7) Appreciate people & not take things for granted
& to face everything WITH A SMILE! :)))
There's my group of friends I would like to thank!
My personal SHORT & SWEET (about 2lines okay!) dedications to each one of you:
We still keep our promises of meeting up during special occasions and on each other's birthdayyy!:) That's already at least 8 times per year! haha. We will love each other and be there for one another, no matter what!
Ya Ting: DARLING! Thanks for being there for me. Thru the boyfriend talks and always taking care of me! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
Virina: Mum! Thanks for accompanying me and allowing me to slack w you at HSS whenever I'm bored :) Thanks for everything:)
Alina: Thanks for the NYE tickets! It was a good, good night! hahas. Thanks for being there for me also:) Wish you lucks for next yr, Jiayous!
Hui Xian: Hey! Thanks for planning most of the clique events (; Really appreciated! Hope to see you sing more!!! LOVELOVE.
Yiu Si: Hey 7 years friend! All the best for JC2 next year. You lucky girl, get to go to HK every single year. Thanks for bring me laughters thruout the year! :)
Reginia: Thanks girl for being the 'jiejie' through I'm older than you by 6days! haha Must be you very tall. Besides that, you make more sense la. LOL. All the best for JC2 & let's go Genting together one day!:)

Since Primary 5, 5D ; 8years (2010) of friendship
You are the bunch, that watched me grow up. All the childishness & naughtiness, etc. You all have seen it all. I'm so glad that we are quite bonded, look at the other people's pri school class. Some people may not even remb some people are actually from their class! So yup, I'm super glad that we all still keep in touch. LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!
1B05 - My Lovely Class
Hey BABES & DUDES! See how we have changed/grown since the start of the year!!!
We may be splitting into our diploma(s) this year(AWWW!) but just wanna let you people know, the memories we had together will always remain deep in my heart. You have been a great bunch of friends(& will always be), bringing joy & laughter to me & the motivation for me to attend school everyday! The clique & 'the godbros/mummy' & the project groups(Past & Present).. Thanks for being who you are!
I'm very glad to be able to be in BSC & to get to know you people. Started from Cortois, & I think we are still super united, being at events like the recent X'mas party and all. I'm very honoured to find friends like you people and all being in business school makes communication about school, much easier! haha! These friends are people I love hanging out with! Those involved in SAW event, let's jiayous! The rest, let's hang out more often! Be it in BSC room or whatsoever :) B-GUIDES?! HAHA:DDD
Through there may be cliques and all, but, we are still one big TP family! I will always remember the impact TPSU left on me during FOW. I all-along wanted to join but FOW made me wanna join even more. haha! I love how all of us are bonded during events and when we do the chorus of the school song together:) I have made new friends who are truely awesome (My TPSU Clique), thru TPSU, as well :) Thanks people!
We may be a small group and not as bonded, but, I believe small groups are easier to bond. At least, we all know each other by names and all. I have a grp of cliquers clique, like Adeline, Gao Ya, Fuhairah, Desiree, Virina, Hui Yin, Elicia, etc... (But the amazing thing is... the clique always get bigger by each event, and soon, it becomes the entire cliquers, and it's not a clique anymore!)
Oh & of course, Thanks to the CCD team for casting me in the tp4me films:) I may not be the best person to do it, but thanks for the opportunity! Cause doesn't mean you are in cliquers, you definitely get to participate in it! haha!
THANKS TO MY GLs for doing such a great job, & for inspiring me to be super enthu! Even more enthu than I thought I was! Seriously, you all were very sacrificing and all. Made me wanna be a GL myself, to carry on bringing TP LOVE to the freshies! Zetten allowed me to make new friends, one of the 1st few friends ever in TP. Yes, my TP journey started with FOW ZETTEN. Slowly, I joined the gatherings w FOC-dominated people(But they are an awesome bunch too & I'm glad I got to know them despite being in FOW)
Thanks to every FA,GL & Freshies, for making freshmen year an eye-opener! :)
Zetten DUA LOVE!!!
My 1st FOW/FOC group, as a GL.
I'm glad I did, as NOVIR made me know more friends from TP & I bet we will be super close. Like what the seniors always say, FO friends, are really friends for life. Like Year 1 as a freshie, zetten friends will always be my friends:) haha. FO is really a super tiring journey but I'm glad I have all of you to embark on this journey with me, making it less tiring and stressful. Let's CHIONGAHHH for FOW/FOC. Outings & all. JACKPOT!
Thank God for you people! You all have been an awesomely great bunch of people I love hanging out with, and are people I know I will love till we grow old!!!
Thro we have graduated from our respective Secondary schools, we still meet up! Let's make it a frequent thing like at least an outing or two per year?! haha. Our covenant w God, let's serve him with JOY, wholeheartedly(:
Hello lovelies! It's a new year! Let's work towards bringing more friends to cross the line of faith. Just wanna let you all know, Thanks for being there for me... and being so understanding towards me and my busy schedule. What's great is that, I know that both God and you people will always welcome me(; I thank god for you people. JIAYOUS!!!
Hey Babes! We are a random bunch of people whose lives have been crossed paths. Deborah, known you since Sec school days. But thru this project, I spoke to you much more! Joey, know you thru FO. But of course, I'm so glad to be in the same grp as you. What a small world! Shi Qi & Wan Leng, don't know you 2 before this cds class, but I'm glad to have know you :) ALL BUSINESS STUDENTS; WE ROCK! Lets chiong for psy proj submission!!!
Thanks for being part of my life. I'm very glad to have met all of you this year. It's never too late. I'm sure GOD placed every single one of you in my life, for a reason. There is no coincidences.
Thanks EVERYONE for making 2009 such an awsomeee year!
May the upcoming 2010 be a fruitful and exciting year ahead!
Love yourself and everyone around you ♥
Happy New Year, everybody.
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